Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our First Hash!

On Saturday, 23 Oct., 2010 we participated in Hash #410 with the Luanda Hash House Harriers.  The Hash House Harriers is a movement that started in the 1930's by British Expats in British Malaysa.  The Hash is known as "A drinking club with a walking problem" and there are Hash clubs all over the world, wherever there are expat communities. The first Hash in Luanda was in the mid 1990's and has been ongoing ever since, every other Saturday, with start time at 4 pm.  The idea is for the Hare's to mark out a trail that the hounds follow with the ultimate goal to find your favorite refreshment at the end of the walk.  The main rule is that there are no rules.  Rule number two is that you must not break the rules. In Luanda, there is safety in walking with such a large group, 40 people, and since we looked like a bunch of clowns we received smiles on the streets and in the neighborhoods where we walked.  We walked about 3.5 miles in the inner city area close to the Gika office where Chris works.  At the end of the afternoon we sang "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" which is the official Hash Anthem.  It was very interesting and fun indeed!  Looking forward to Luanda Hash number 411!

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