Sunday, October 17, 2010

Igreja Metodista Unida Carlos Kitongo

Vicki and I drove with Mapassa our driver this morning to a Methodist church, Igreja Metodista Unida Carlos Kitongo, about 10 miles south of Luanda Sul.  I had driven with Mapassa the previous day to find the church and took pictures. We arrived this morning at 9:00 am.  Very soon we were lead to the office of the pastor whose name is Pedro.  Pastor Pedro spoke some english and he welcomed us. What a beautiful smile. It was a wonderful service.  Pastor Pedro sat beside us and translated the sermon that a visiting Pastor gave.  The scripture was from Matt 5, 1-13, the Sermon on the Mount.  After three hours we walked out shaking hands with the little children. It was an open air building and a beautiful breeze flowed during the entire service. The choirs were just wonderful to hear.  It was Christianity, Angola style.  What is amazing to were the people who are so clean and well dressed, yet, the area surrounding the church was so poor and littered.  This contrast between the people and the surrounding neighborhood boggels our minds.We pray that one day the roads here will be paved, the rubbish all picked up and the church and community politcial goals will co-exit in harmony for the people.

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